As a financially responsible adult, you want to have your ducks in a row so that you’re always ready for the unexpected. But sometimes, you’ll want more options, just in case. No matter your preparation, you may still need a financial boost when your savings won’t suffice.
With the CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan, you can easily get quick access to cash at affordable terms. In this guide, learn more about this China Bank Savings personal loan, its features and benefits, requirements, application process, and more.
What is CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan?

The CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan is a no-collateral cash loan offered by China Bank Savings, one of the leading thrift banks in the Philippines.
China Bank Savings, more popularly known as CBS, is China Banking Corporation’s retail lending arm and has been operating since 2008. It acquired China Bank’s Manila Bank in 2007 and subsequently merged with Unity Bank and Planters Development Bank. CBS now has 160 branches in the Philippines and offers retail banking, auto, housing, and enterprise finance, among others.
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What Can You Use the CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan For?

The China Bank Easi-Funds Personal Loan is a loan that you can use to fund any planned or unexpected expenses.
- Tuition fees - With classes opening again this month, a CBS personal loan can also help if you need extra money to pay for your child’s tuition fees and other school expenses.
- Lot, house, or car equity - Planning to make a house, lot, or car purchase this year? Use this loan to make your dream of being a home or car owner come true.
- Construction - If you’ve already purchased a lot, easily fund the construction of your home or business with a CBS personal loan.
- House repair or renovation - You can also use it to pay for major house repairs or upgrades. Now you can achieve that functional kitchen or home office.
- Debt consolidation - If you have other personal loans and credit card debts that you want to fully pay off, you can apply for a CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan. This way, you only have to manage one loan payment.
- Other major expenses - Since it’s a multi-purpose loan, you can use it to pay for your travel expenses, appliance purchases, medical bills, or even your emergency personal expenses.
How Much Can You Borrow with a CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan?
The minimum loan amount is ₱30,000, and the maximum loan amount is ₱1 million. You can pay it off in 12, 18, 24, and 36 months.
How Much Will the Monthly Amortization Be?

To give you an idea of how much your loan repayments will be, you can always use the online China Bank Savings personal loan calculator.[1] Just key in the required information and click Calculate.
For example, if you have a monthly gross income of ₱25,000 and want to borrow ₱50,000, with a payment term of 24 months, your monthly installment will be ₱2,908.33.
Note: The computation above is for illustration and estimation purposes only. The final confirmation of the Easi-Fund Personal Loan amount and amortization fees will be provided upon loan approval. CBS account officers will also confirm the interest rate based on prevalent rates.
China Bank Savings Personal Loan Requirements
If you’re planning to apply for a China Bank personal loan, you must meet the minimum monthly income of ₱12,000. You also need to prepare the following China Bank Savings loan requirements:
- Accomplished Customer Information Sheet (China Bank Savings Loan Application Form)
- Most recent 1×1 ID picture
- One original and photocopy of your valid ID with photo and signature
How Can I Get a CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan?

You can apply for a China Bank Savings personal loan online by going to the Easi-Funds page[2] and doing the following steps:
- Fill out the online loan application form with your personal information, as well as your employment or business information. If married, you also need to supply your spouse's employment or business information and your dependents’ information.
- Key in your loan details. Enter your desired loan amount and your preferred mode of loan release. You can choose to receive your loan proceeds through a Manager's Check, which is subject to three days of clearing time, or have it credited to your China Bank Savings Account.
- Select the loan purpose from the dropdown menu:
- real estate purchase
- appliance purchase
- car equity
- renovation
- personal
- medical/hospital expenses
- travel
- pay off debts/bills
- pay off credit card balances
- emergency
- house repair/renovation
- lot/house equity
- construction
- tuition fees
- Multipurpose
- Select your loan term.
- Tick the box that says “I’m not a robot” and click Submit.

What is the Difference Between CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan and Easi-Funds Salary Loan?
The Easi-Funds Personal Loan is a quick cash loan that employed or self-employed individuals can apply for on their own through the CBS website or at any CBS branch.
The CBS Easi-Funds Salary Loan, on the other hand, is offered to corporations in the Philippines who want to extend a salary loan to their employees as an additional benefit.
It offers competitive rates, flexible terms, and a fast loan processing time. There’s no need for a co-maker. Moreover, there’s no checking with the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) or the Credit Management Association of the Philippines (CMAP) for salary loans of not more than ₱200,000.
How Do You Apply for a CBS Easi-Funds Salary Loan?
To avail of the Easi-Funds Salary Loan, corporations should apply for accreditation first. Here’s the list of qualifications and requirements:
- Must be operating for at least five years and profitable for the last three consecutive years
- Has at least 50 employees
- No negative findings
- Duly accomplished Information Sheet
- Latest ITR of the company
- SEC Registrations, Articles of Incorporation, last 3 years’ Audited Financial Statements, and updated General Information Sheet (GIS)
- Company profile
- List of suppliers and clients (with contact information)
- Updated list of all regular employees with signature of authorized signatory
Once accredited, they can now give salary loans to their employees starting from ₱10,000 to as much as ₱500,000. For seafarers, the minimum loan amount is ₱20,000.
CBS Easi-Funds Personal Loan FAQs
1. What is the China Bank Savings Personal Loan interest rate?
The interest rate varies, depending on your chosen loan term. You can refer to the following table:
Loan Term | Interest Rate | Factor Rate |
12 months | 2.73% | 0.09883 |
18 months | 2.89% | 0.07206 |
24 months | 2.86% | 0.05817 |
36 months | 2.92% | 0.04528 |
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2. How can you check the status of your China Bank loan application?
For all your banking concerns and other inquiries, you may call China Bank Savings at (632) 8988-9555 on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Alternatively, you may also send a message through its online contact form.[3]
3. How to apply for a China Bank Savings Account?
Just go to your preferred China Bank Savings branch to open a savings account. You can open an Easi-Save Basic[4] account (interest-earning, no initial deposit, no maintaining balance, and just a ₱100 account opening fee), or an Easi-Save ATM[5] account (₱500 minimum maintaining balance).
Accomplish the Customer Information Sheet and provide your latest 1×1 ID picture. Bring the original and photocopy of a valid photo-bearing ID as well.
If your preferred mode of loan release is through your CBS savings account, then you must open one to receive your loan proceeds.
Final Thoughts
With its easy requirements and fast turnaround times, it’s good to know you have a personal loan option like the CBS Easi-Funds for any kind of financial need.
To ensure a quick loan approval, see to it that your documents are complete and updated. Your credit score also plays a huge part in the loan approval process. So make sure that you have a good credit standing before sending in your application.
If you’re curious about what other loan options you have, explore and compare loans in the Philippines on the Moneymax website. It’s quick, easy, and 100% free!